
The Science category consists of 132 photographs. It covers the 1952-1988 time period, but most of the photographs are from the 1950s to the 1970s, namely the years when the space-race between the Cold War superpowers was at its peak.

There are of course several photographs in this series depicting satellites (the first being Sputnik), rocket launches, American and Soviet astronauts, and, lastly, the moon itself. The photographs sent by the Soviet spaceship Luna 9 from the Moon to Earth in 1966 stand out. These photographs were sent via the telephotography system and were published the following day on the front page of Moscow and western newspapers. From Greek current events, photographs on medical reportage stand out, on issues such as transplants, operations, and, mainly, the first child born in Greece using in vitro fertilisation.


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20/1/1982. Birth of the first child in Greece conceived using in vitro fertilisation. British gynaecologist Dr Patrick Steptoe introduced the method of in vitro fertilisation to Greece (Photo Dimis Argyropoulos).

12/2/1962. Yuri Gagarin, the first person to travel into space, during a visit to Athens. (photo: Floros Bros. - Nikolaos Leon. Floros)

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