
The Hellenic Council for Refugees’ PYXIDA Intercultural Center at the Museum
12 July 2022

The Hellenic Council for Refugees’ PYXIDA Intercultural Center at the Museum

In the context of its summer camp, which is held annually for children and adolescents from refugee families, the PYXIDA Intercultural Center of the Greek Council for Refugees visited the Museum for a special English-language tour of the Permanent Exhibition.

Twenty-three Afghan adolescents, accompanied by an interdisciplinary team of professionals, got a first-hand look at the communication networks of the Ancient Greeks, including Phryctoriae (12th century BC) and the Hydraulic Telegraph (4th century BC), while through new AR technologies they watched and listened as Morse talked to them about his invention, the Electric Telegraph. Rare telephone devices with cranks, telegrams, a telegram delivery bicycle and a Bauhaus telephone booth are some of the exhibits they were shown.

PYXIDA’s visit to the Museum is part of a comprehensive program being carried out by the Greek Council for Refugees, aimed at the integration of refugees and vulnerable migrants into Greek society.

The Telecommunications Museum – a Museum open to all, an agent for social change and sustainable development that knows no borders – aims through its programs and actions to raise public awareness of issues that concern society today.

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