School guided tours

Guided tours of the Museum’s exhibits through the use of new technologies and cutting-edge digital media make the journey through the world of communication truly amazing! At the fully renovated exhibition spaces on the 2nd floor, you will have the opportunity to get to know the Museum’s new thematic units! Book a seat and come […]

Safer Internet

What is cyberbullying? The wonderful world of the internet is a living organism with billions of users all over the world. It’s a truly endless source of information, enjoyment and communication, but it also hides risks. Experts from the Cyber Crime Unit answer our questions and relate actual incidents to illustrate the dangers of the […]

Robots in space

What role do robots play in space? We will learn how robots can help us explore outer space, using cutting-edge telecommunications technology. Using educational robotics materials, we will create remote-controlled robotic space exploration vehicles and blast off for our first outer space mission: collecting rock samples from far-away planets.

Message from Mars

How can we transmit a message from Mars to Earth? We will learn how satellite communications use laser beams to transfer huge quantities of data. Using educational robotics materials, we will create a model satellite capable of sending and receiving laser signals. We will program a micro:bit processor and work together to communicate with each […]

A.I. squad

What is A.I. technology? We will learn how A.I. is used in telecommunications. With Morse code as our jumping-off point, we will program and build a helicopter equipped with an A.I. camera capable of identifying SOS messages in various forms – Morse code, letters, clay patterns – and transmitting them to a rescue station.

You have a call from Ecuador

The show begins Ecuador, fall, the 1970s. A girl anxiously awaits a call from her father, who is travelling in the Indian ocean. A telephone operator connects cables to enable people from all the far-flung corners of the Earth to communicate. It falls on her to connect the girl with her father. Suddenly, a comet […]

Chop Chop

How well do we know the Museum? We will become acquainted with the most important exhibits from the Museum collection through a fun group knowledge game. We will first go on a brief tour of the collection, and then we will each wear a pair of headphones and attempt to describe to the next player […]

Become the messenger of the Goddess

Hermes, Aphrodite, Oshun, Lada, Freyja We travel back in time, to antiquity, where we will meet Hermes, messenger of the gods, as well as the female deities of abundance, love and the earth. How do you write a telegram on its original paper? We write the message, using a tablet to plot the route the […]

We’ve got our wires crossed

“Put a sock in it.” “We’ve got our wires crossed”, “Talk is cheap.” We will learn about various sayings associated with communication. We will split up into teams and try to understand them through games like broken telephone and pantomime, but also digitally by connecting images on a tablet. But why is communication important? How […]

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