The age of heroes
27-29 March 2021
What happened
For the first time, a science festival is organised and held exclusively online. The OTE Group Telecommunications Museum was there under the unique circumstances of the health crisis, with two STEM programmes for primary school students:
For the “Light fires and send messages with torches!” programme, students of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Primary School forms travelled in time, discovering the ancient Phryctoria and how it worked, and sent their own message by “lighting” fires.
During the programme titled “Create codes and send telegrams with Morse code!”,students of the 4th, 5th and 6th Primary School forms wrote their own codes and designed a Morse telegraph simulation to send their own telegrams in Morse code!
50 students took part in the online STEM programmes
Monday – Friday
(last entry on 16:00)
Two Sundays each month