ICOM 2023 “Museums, Sustainability and Quality of Life”
The Telecommunications Museum celebrated the World Telecommunication Day (17 May) and International Museum Day (18 May) through artistic and creative actions inside and outside the Museum, relaxation, pleasure, mental uplift, personal expression and co-creation.
We visited the SOS Children’s Villages and the Love Centre of Elefsina to construct ornamental plant supports – telephone operators and linemen – from recyclable materials and to decorate the garden! In the Museum’s new classroom, we made festive handicrafts, while at the interactive sandbox table, we created nature scenarios – lakes, streams and mountains – with the help of technology (augmented reality) and our imaginations.
In the courtyard of the Museum in Nea Kifisia, we relaxed with Pilates under the guidance of an expert trainer, and the OTE Group Mixed Choir of Athens was at the Museum to take us on a journey into the world of musical creation.
183 children and adults attended our activities
Monday – Friday
(last entry on 16:00)
Two Sundays each month