
The new educational programs of the Museum have started!

The new educational programs of the Museum have started!

Colors, fun, bikes, and pine needles!

Colors, fun, bikes, and pine needles!

On Sunday, September 26, the children came to the Museum on their bicycles and took part in the open-air art workshop “Prints by bicycle”! When the telegraph distributor’s bike distributed telegrams in the neighborhoods many years ago, the children learned about the art of engraving from the engraver Dimitra Siaterli and her team (Athens Pandolfini-Siaterli Engraving Center), painted their wheels and feet they made their own footprint!

One week later, on October 3, in the outdoor workshop “Phones from Pine Needles”, the children saw up close the first telephone made by the inventor of the telephone, Alexander Graham Bell, which had the shape of a funnel! Inspired by the first phone and with the guidance of the well-known artist Martha Dimitropoulou, they learned about Landscape art and with pine needles from the courtyard of the Museum they made sculptural works of art!

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