
14 December 1952. Prince Philip greets King Paul in London
14 Δεκεμβρίου 1952. Ο Πρίγκιπας Φίλιππος υποδέχεται τον βασιλιά Παύλο στο Λονδίνο
13 April 2021

14 December 1952. Prince Philip greets King Paul in London

On 14 December 1952, Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh, of Greek descent, received King Paul – who had travelled to England to attend the funeral of George VI – at Victoria Station in London.

The vertical streaks in the photograph are due to the poor weather conditions that prevailed when the photograph was sent from London to Athens via the OTE telephotography service. This photograph was then published in the newspapers “Ethnos” and “Vradyni”. The funeral of the English king was covered extensively by the Greek press, as is clear from the numerous photographs in the Museum’s archive.

George VI, the father of Queen Elizabeth II, symbolized the allies’ victory in World War II, as well as the decline of the British empire.

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