10 & 17 December 2017
What happened?
Storylab Workshops were held in the Museum for the first time. The children starred in their own movie, playing roles from other eras. Their basic tool: the Stop motion animation technique!
How it works
In stop-motion animation, an object that is moved by someone else creates the illusion of moving on its own. As the object is moved, it is photographed in successive frames and when the series of frames alternate as a fast sequence, the impression that the object is moving on its own is created.
Our new “directors” and “stars”
The children wrote their own script. They drew their inspiration from the anxious effort of a telephone call to reach its destination and from “lines being tangled”, all of which resulted in an “egg-lemon sauce” being at risk! The Museum of Telecommunications served as “set” and source of “decorations”. The stars of the movie were the children and the exhibits that suddenly came into life and participated in their own special way!
A 1950s telephone booth, a rare, collectible, rotary dial disc telephone from the 1940s, a switchboard with an operator, an analogue telephone exchange from the 1960s with its «switches» moving crazily up and down and 120 (!) photographs were used in one scene alone, transforming the Museum into a Hollywood studio.
Their movie, once complete, seemed better than “Chicken Run” a movie that was also filmed with stop-motion animation!
Who visited us
A great number of children and parents, 238 people in total, participated in the educational activities of the Museum, during the programs and the museum tours of December.
Monday – Friday
(last entry on 16:00)
Two Sundays each month