Robots in space

What role do robots play in space? We will learn how robots can help us explore outer space, using cutting-edge telecommunications technology. Using educational robotics materials, we will create remote-controlled robotic space exploration vehicles and blast off for our first outer space mission: collecting rock samples from far-away planets.

Message from Mars

How can we transmit a message from Mars to Earth? We will learn how satellite communications use laser beams to transfer huge quantities of data. Using educational robotics materials, we will create a model satellite capable of sending and receiving laser signals. We will program a micro:bit processor and work together to communicate with each […]

Robots in space

What role do robots play in space? We will learn how robots can help us explore outer space, using cutting-edge telecommunications technology. Using educational robotics materials, we will create remote-controlled robotic space exploration vehicles and blast off for our first outer space mission: collecting rock samples from far-away planets.

Message from Mars

How can we transmit a message from Mars to Earth? We will learn how satellite communications use laser beams to transfer huge quantities of data. Using educational robotics materials, we will create a model satellite capable of sending and receiving laser signals. We will program a micro:bit processor and work together to communicate with each […]

A.I. squad

What is A.I. technology? We will learn how A.I. is used in telecommunications. With Morse code as our jumping-off point, we will program and build a helicopter equipped with an A.I. camera capable of identifying SOS messages in various forms – Morse code, letters, clay patterns – and transmitting them to a rescue station.

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